Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Constitutional Republic no longer exists

This Constitutional Republic has turned into an Oligarchy.

In this country we now have a RULING CLASS and a PEASANT CLASS.

The Ruling class continues to set the rules for us peasants to insure they remain in power, they DON'T listen to the peasants; after all we don't know what is good for us, the RULING CLASS think they know better; yet none of those rules apply to them.

You see the Senate and the House are EXEMPT from the taxes and the requirements of this SENATE health care bill, just like they are EXEMPT from Social Security, in fact when those Low life Republicans tried to amend this bill to require the RULING CLASS to participate, your Democratic Senators and Congressmen unanimously voted AGAINST those amendments.

When are we going to wake up?

How long is it going to take this peasant class to realize that these entitlement programs are designed not to give us a helping hand but to make sure each of us is enslaved, dependent on the government in order to survive.

The Democratic Party and this Administration know this real well and want make sure you peasants are totally dependent on them, because if you depend on them to survive you have to keep them in office; and they get to keep their power, continue to write laws which are designed to remove freedoms, oppress you, and keep you down.

Lets think about the policies of the RULING CLASS for just a minute.

Who was helped by bailing out the banks? Well lets see.....

  1. Big banks donated lots of money to the politicians
  2. Big banks are given money to pay for their greed
  3. Big banks didn’t lend that money to small business' to stay open and boost hiring (that would actually help the peasant class), nope
  4. Mortgages continue to foreclose
  5. This Government has now suggested that they take your home, and require you to pay rent, you can stay in it; with a RULING CLASS Landlord, putting us on the road to serfdom
  6. Big banks gain profits simply by borrowing from the FED at 0% interest and buying Treasury Bills making a cool 3% profit on the peasants money.

I guess that helped out us peasants

Lets move on to the GM Bailout
The RULING CLASS made the statement that GM is too big to fail, so the RULING CLASS pumps billions of the peasants dollars into GM.
GM fails anyway goes into bankruptcy, the RULING CLASS step in; but instead of playing the role of umpire; which would be the proper role in a Constitutional Republic; the RULING CLASS instead takes 60% ownership of the company for the RULING CLASS; then gives the UAW (a big monetary contributor to the RULING CLASS) 39% of the company an amount which was previously worth about $9.5 billion; not bad considering GM only owed the UAW $25 million; not a bad payback for backing the RULING CLASS; the UAW’s reward? about $3.80 for every dollar they were owed;

But what about the secured lenders, you know the peasants who's life savings and retirement funds were supposed to be securely invested well they only got 9 cents on the dollar; after the RULING CLASS got involved.

The peasant class looses again.

Next is the Wall Street bail out; well this one is a little harder to find out information a lot of the dealings are kept secret. But I do know that Goldman Sachs a large contributor to the Democratic party, and more specifically Senator Menendez (D-NJ) and Senator Lautenberg (D-NJ) well they bragged in the UK as to having a RECORD profit year, why you say, well because the policies of this Administration caused "A lack of competition and a surge in revenues from trading foreign currency, bonds and fixed-income products has sent profits at Goldman Sachs soaring, according to insiders at the firm." Main stream media failed to report this here in the US.

Again the peasants are losers

So now with this health care bill;

Well... Who wins here, could it be... the pharmaceutical companies, The RULING CLASS won't allow the importation of generic drugs.

Or maybe its the insurance companies; The RULING CLASS made sure the peasants who do not purchase health insurance are NOW REQUIRED TO or face stiff fines, taxes, and ultimately if taken to the extreme jail time.

How about the lawyers, wait a minute the RULING CLASS is primarily made up of LAWYERS, so you can forget about tort reform, they won't even mention it.

Maybe its the citizens of Nebraska, because the RULING CLASS in order to get the votes necessary made it so the peasants of Nebraska don't have to pay for their states portion of the expansion of Medicaid/Medicare.
or the Senator of Louisiana who was paid off by the RULING CLASS for her vote.

Who else will benefit by this; well the UNIONS of course; because SEIU/UAW and others are not technically employers, and would be exempt from the fines and penalties should they not give or take away their peasants health insurance; especially if any form of RULING CLASS sponsored health insurance is allowed to start. The peasants would be responsible for the health care of the UNIONS, and the UNIONS could just take money from the peasants and keep it, instead of using the peasants money for the good of the peasants.

Also; according to this new bill in the SENATE, most of the benefits start in 2014, but the tax increases start in Jan 2010. Do you really think that the money realized from the taxes are going to sit there and wait for the benefits to kick in? if you do I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

The RULING CLASS now are saying its all the Republican’s fault; of course they have to blame someone; the RULING CLASS won’t take responsibility for their actions; In this health care debate the Republican leadership has only been trying to protect your rights;
You know like trying to get the RULING CLASS to participate in the monstrosity they were creating, I am not saying they are perfect, and I’m not saying the Republicans are not in the RULING CLASS, but at least they were trying to wade through the garbage spewed by the RULING CLASS

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