Saturday, June 20, 2009

The First Step
Understanding the current political climate

We have a situation in today's political realm where the left-wing Democratic party in general, and the Obama administration in particular are bombarding us with so many issues, so fast, in so many directions, it makes your head spin. I have become so frustrated with "MY" government that, in the infamous words of Glenn Beck it makes blood shoot out of my eyes.

How do we as Conservatives deal with radical left wing liberals?

Our first step is to understand the tactics the ideological left are employing.
By understanding these tactics we can effectively counter their attacks.

You have to also understand, the left play on peoples EMOTIONS, and not on logic or facts in these debates.

The Democrats and this Administration are defiantly following Saul Alinsky's rules for Radicals

Rule One
Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.
Rule Two
Never go outside the expertise of your people.

When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear and retreat.... [and] the collapse of communication.

I feel the best counter to this tactic is to keep the left on focus, you are there to deal with one issue and one issue only, when they go off subject, politely; but firmly refocus the debate. I have noticed during my debates with left wing ideologists they tend to bring up other subjects or point to something that wasn't an issue at the time.
You will notice here the left wing activist, and part time actress going off subject by pointing out "other issues" rather than staying on the issue at hand, when the person doing the interview brings her back to the subject, she denies having said what she said.

How do we counter this, focus, focus, focus remember these people are emotional, and become confused very easily. When the debate doesn't go their way, they try to change the subject. Keep them on task!
Rule Three
Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.
Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.
Again; remember focus focus, keep them on task, don't let them change the subject. If they try refocus the debate to the original subject at hand.

Rule Four
Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
Remember this goes both ways

Rule Five
Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.
The best defense to this tactic is to recognize it for what it is; and don't play their game. They are specifically looking to get a rise out of you. They are looking to get you to the point where you blow your cool. Once this tactic is identified, call it what it is; but don't play into it.

Rule Six
A good tactic is one your people enjoy
This isn't really a tactic, it appears to be a means to control their troops. We should follow this "tactic" as well. I find it very amusing when the person I am debating at the time, stutters, gets upset, has a temper tantrum.

Recently I was debating this administrations current spending policies with a co-worker. His defense to my opinion was (as typical) it was all George W Bush's fault, he spent so much money in the past eight years it got us into this mess; I stopped the debate and with a very simple statement

"So let me get this straight, Bush's spending was an error; right?"
he replied "Yes it was"
"Ok, so I'll admit, that Bush's spending WAS an error; Now that we have established that his spending was in error, This administration in order to fix that error is quadrupling that error? Does that really make sense to you?"

At this point in time, my debate opponent flew into a rage, and walked away. He had no defense to my comments.

So lets have some fun with this, and as long as your factually correct, the left has no real defense.

Rule Seven
A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time....
Here we should keep them on their task, they will soon tire of it
Rule Eight
Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions,
and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
We need to follow this tactic, see my explaination for rule 10.
Rule Nine
The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, FDR; Words well spoken, here we need to eliminate the fear; fear is perpetuated with a lack of knowledge. We need to enlighten the general public with true facts. Remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but NOT THEIR OWN FACTS.

Rule Ten
The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

Here we need to focus, I think we should create a central "PUBLIC" website, something with an easy to remember address, and as each individual issue is presented, the main website, should then have a link to that issue, our point of view on these issues should be explained in easy to understand language.
Sometimes we forget not everyone understands what we are saying.

Along with this we need to "assign" an individual an expert in the field; weather it be a "doctor for health care", or a "prominent legal immigrant for border control/illegal immigration" .

Then every time this issue is addressed by the opposition, our spokes person should then hold a press conference to do two things report on the facts and secondly to tell people where they can get more information (advertise our website).

Weather we want to believe it or not we live in a digital age, lets utilize this tool to the best of our advantage.

These individuals should be fully briefed on how to STAY FOCUSED. When a reporter goes off subject, politely but firmly regain focus.

These individuals do not have to necessarily be politicians. Remember they should be experts in the field of the issue they represent.

Rule Eleven
If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... every positive has its negative.
Rule Twelve
The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
Rule Thirteen
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...

"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting]arguments....
Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon.
They become visible by their support of the target...'
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other." (pps.127-134)

Remember I am not a political analyst, so I may be wrong on this subject, there may be better ideas on how to counter these rules for radicals. I just looked at these rules and with some common sense thought of ways to counter their effects.

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