Monday, June 29, 2009

When are people going to realize?

I have a nagging question; When are people going to realize that the Democrats don't care about the little guy, they only care about themselves.

They will say anything to get what THEY want, lying to the general public.

Lets take a little look at
H.R. 2454 or the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

First of all there is Nancy Pelosi:
Her campaign received 10$ from the National Cable & Telecommunications Assn, guess who these people really are... Well they are "GE" who stands to make a fortune if the bill makes it into law.

How about "personal wealth"; There is the Clean Energy Fuels Corp that she is invested in, the stocks on this company currently are running about $9 dollars a share; however if this bill is signed into law, the potential to make millions is there. Pelosi is a shareholder in Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE) and purchased between $50K - $100K in shares on May 25th . Then there is her purchase of between $50k - $100k worth of shares in GE, another company positioned to make trillions if this bill passes.

So is she looking out for you??? or is she really looking to line her pockets with your money?

Now we have Rep. Waxman; this is a man who doesn't even know what is in a bill HE WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE WRITTEN

So what do you think is in it for him?
Well for starters his second biggest campaign contributor is National Cable & Telecommunications Assn, well of course its none other than GE.

Is he looking out for you? or again just positioning himself to line his pockets with your money.

Next is Rep Markey:
Low and behold National Cable & Telecommunications Assn contributed to his campaign too. Imagine that.

You really have to ask yourself are these people really working for YOU???? or are they really trying to pick your pockets?

You decide.....

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