Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Answer to Menendez's Blog

Sen Menendez,
Tell me sir, how do you explain the fact that Universal Health Care is already established in Mass. and is going broke and is a miserable failure.

Since last year, when the landmark law took effect, about 340,000 of Massachusetts’ estimated 600,000 uninsured have gained coverage. Many are now searching for doctors and scheduling appointments for long-deferred care.
Kirwan said the gap also is because of increased enrollment, now expected to exceed projections for both the current fiscal year and the next, which will begin July 1. Paradoxically, enrollment dropped slightly last month, because the state has begun disqualifying people who became ineligible because of changes in income or access to other insurance. But that is expected to be a temporary downturn.

..."Healthcare reform is not sustainable financially and it's also not sustainable politically if the best we can do is more taxpayer money and shifting costs to consumers," said Nancy Turnbull, an associate dean at the Harvard School of Public Health and member of the connector board. "We have to find other ways [to raise money and control costs] and we have to find them very quickly."
With longer waits, lobbyists contributing to candidates who include in the legislation coverage that is un-necessary, Government Interference ( bureaucrats who dictate who gets what and when). Their doctor/lab/services fees are rising more than the national average, the quality of care is lower. A report by the Mass. Government just recently suggested that to correct this problem they need to limit coverage and/or raise taxes. And the fees for private insurance has spiked in that state as well.

You claim that your introducing "choice" into the equation; Your not introducing choice, your allowing your union contributors to dump their health care onto the government and make all of us pay for it..

Tell me sir; how does a private insurance company compete with the federal government when all the government has to do is print more money to cover its fiscal irresponsibility; this country has seen way too much fiscal irresponsibility, the SPENDING NEEDS TO STOP.

Its not the Republicans who are trying to scare the general public its the Democrats with their false claims of the number of Americans without health insurance. You see sir, I can read and I actually read the report Democrats are getting their information from.

First of all, take the 47 million Americans number, that number is WRONG to begin with, there are 47 million "PEOPLE" in the US who are uninsured, 10 million of those people are Illegal (criminal) immigrants, roughly 17 million are people who can afford health insurance but refuse to buy it, leaving us with 20 million people, and according to the CBO 45% of those individuals are between jobs and will get health insurance within a year. This leaves us with about 8.3 million people without insurance at this time, not counting the people who just didn't sign up for the current health care already offered by the government.

So you see sir, you are willing to sacrifice the 200 million people in the United States just for a little less than 2% of the population, you and this administration need to stop paying off voters with tax payer dollars.

Sir, as a voting citizens of the State of New Jersey, We are watching you, We see how you are following party lines rather than listening to the people who put you there. You claim that you listen to family after family; your circle of families must be very limited; I personally have emailed you as have a few of my friends; you have yet to respond one way or the other to any of us, is that because we disagree with you?.
Sir, I suggest you start listening to the people of your state and not democratic party.

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