Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama Picks the winners and the losers

The Obama Administration has been accused of picking the winners and losers;

Here is another case:

According to the Guardian a UK paper

Goldman to make record bonus payout

A lack of competition and a surge in revenues from trading foreign currency, bonds and fixed-income products has sent profits at Goldman Sachs soaring, according to insiders at the firm.

So lets see who might be the winners "BESIDES" Goldman Sachs:
According to OpenSecrets.org the web branch of the Center for Responsive Politics
whose mission is:
The Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the organization aims to create a more educated voter, an involved citizenry and a more responsive government.

The following people have received campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs.

  • Barack Obama $981k
  • Charles Schumer $54k
  • Chris Dodd $180k
  • Barney Frank $10k
I know your going to say, there are some Republicans that also received campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs, yes I am sure there have been, but isn't it a little bit odd that the people who controlled the winners and losers; effectively eliminating the competition are the ones who benefited most.

Is there any shady back rooms deals going on, perhaps not; you decide.

Ten bucks says Goldman Sachs is backing Jon Corzine in his bid to be re-elected in New Jersey.

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